Lawyer blast media outlets for their false coverage of Bobbi Kristina

A lawyer for Bobby Brown has issued a statement, saying there is no truth to the story that Bobbi Kristina will be taken off life support on Wednesday.

As reported, members of the Brown family informed that Bobbi Kristina will be taken off life support Wednesday … on the 3rd anniversary of Whitney Houston’s death. But the lawyer, Christopher Brown, says it’s not so.
“…the false reports that continue to appear in print and on the internet are egregious, false and will be dealt with at an appropriate time. In particular, the false reporting of TMZ, The National Enquirer, The Atlanta Journal Constitution and the Daily Mail (UK) citing, police sources, family sources and Bobby Brown himself, will receive my attention. The desire to be ‘first’ has clouded the judgment of many reporters as they forgo accuracy. This is a criminal investigation and the integrity of that process requires silence.” 

However, Bobby Brown today thanked fans for supporting his daughter, Bobbi Kristina, who has been in a medical induced coma since January 31.


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